Point of Faith
Point of Faith Church focuses on five Biblical core values to help us advance the Kingdom of God in the lives of our church. We truly believe that these core values inform and focus how we are to evangelize and disciple.
Core Values
Our core values are the Ministry of the Word, the Ministry of Prayer, the Ministry of Presence, the Ministry of Partnership, and the Ministry of Mercy/Service.
Men's Ministry
Bringing together men of all ages to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ; encouraging each other to be servant leaders in our families, church and communities.
Women's Ministry
Shepherd and equip women in every season of life by challenging them to study and respond to God's word, to develop strong relationships, and to influence their homes, church, workplace, community and world for Christ.
Spiritual Help
A Christian is not just a religious person or merely a member of a church; a Christian is one who has been forgiven of his or her sin and has an ongoing personal relationship with God. Not only this, but a Christian is someone in whom Jesus Christ lives, one who has been born again (John 3:3) and who lives in the assurance that Jesus paid the price for him or her to be right with God and go to heaven.